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denver samoyed association members at parade of lights


DSA welcomes new applications for membership for anyone aged 10 and up!


Prospective members to the Denver Samoyed Association complete an application, attend two meetings within a six-month time frame and agree to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the club. At each of the first 2 meetings the applicant attends, the application will be read to the members present.  Members will vote on applicant after the second reading. For Associate Members, an application is submitted, and read at 2 concurrent meetings and voted on after the second, but the Associate Member applicant does not have to attend 2 meetings. Associate Members do not have voting rights and cannot hold office. The application form requires all applicants agree to abide by the bylaws and the rules of the American Kennel Club. The application contains the name, address, and occupation of the applicant and it requires the endorsement of two voting members in good standing residing in different households. 


Accompanying the application, the prospective member shall submit dues payment for the current year. Applicants filing for membership after July 1st of each year will be required to submit one-half of the annual dues with the application.

Be Part of the Fun!

Types of Membership



This membership shall be available to any person eighteen (18) years of age or older who is in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribes to the purposes of this club. This membership enjoys all club privileges including the right to vote and hold office.

Household Membership:


This membership shall be two (2) adult members residing in the same household, each eligible to vote and hold office. Members must be eighteen years of age or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of this Club. The household membership will enjoy all club privileges including the right to vote and hold office.



Associate membership shall be one (1) adult individual who supports the goals, purposes, and activities of the club. Member must be in good standing with the American Kennel Club. This individual shall be eligible to receive the club’s newsletter and to participate in club activities. An associate member shall not hold office or chairmanship and is ineligible to vote.

This membership shall be two (2) individual members residing in the same household, who support the goals, purposes, and activities of the club. Members must be in good standing with The American Kennel Club. This membership shall be eligible to receive the club’s newsletter and to participate in club activities. Household associate memberships shall not hold office or

chairmanship and are ineligible to vote.

Associate Household Membership:




This membership shall be available to an individual old enough to compete in AKC Junior Handler competition but not more than eighteen (18) years of age, who supports the goals, purposes, and activities of the club. Member must be in good standing with the American Kennel Club. A Junior may continue in this classification until the end of the calendar year in which the Junior reaches age eighteen (18) at which time they shall have the choice of becoming an individual or an associate member. This membership shall be eligible to receive the club’s newsletter and to participate in club activities. Junior members shall not hold office or chairmanship and are ineligible to vote

Membership types may NOT be combined within a household (e.g., one associate member and one regular member) for a Household membership.

Process to Become a Member

Applications are filed with the club and each application is to be read at the first meeting of the club following its receipt. At the second club meeting after receiving the application, the application will be voted upon and affirmative votes of two-thirds of the members present and voting at that meeting shall be required to elect the applicant. 

denver samoyed association members at dog show
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