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#34 November 30, 2019

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Best of Breed

GCH Promise's Mikey Likes Everything BN CA OAP OJP RATS RN TKA

Doug and Darla Cassidy

Best of Winners

Ancient Dream's Maleficent of Haku

Betsy Powers.

Best Opposite Sex

CH Queen City's Heart Of Gold

Pamela R Buhl and Heidi M Nieman, Rachel Paulson, Brielle Bolena

Select Dog

GCHB Snowater 'N Polar Mist's Mettle To The Medal BN RI CGCA

Thalia Peletis

Select Bitch

GCH Starquest Quintessentially Millcreek CD RE AX AXJ

Martha Lageschulte and Pat Griffin

Best Owner Handled

GCH Promise's Mikey Likes Everything BN CA OAP OJP RATS RN TKA

Doug and Darla Cassidy

Award of Merit

GCHB Starquest's Denali The Great One CGCA

Scott & Linda Deits and Martha Lageschulte.

Award of Merit

​GCH Double Helix Live From The Piston Cup

​Robinette Dunahugh-Ralston DVM and Scott Ralston

Winner's Dog

Silverado's White Lion At Krystall

Nancy Golden and Sally Zach Wheeler

Reserve Winner's Dog

Wintersong N Doubletake's Silver Star

James Moore and Mary Moore, Donna Cummings

Winner's Bitch

Ancient Dream's Maleficent of Haku

Betsy Powers

Reserve Winner's Bitch

Chelestina's Arctic Meadow

Candice Celestina Smith

Best Puppy

Kyser Bearrs Arya Of Millcreek

Pat Griffin and Suzanne G Roseheart

Best Bred-By-Exhibitor

Chelestina's Arctic Meadow

Candice Celestina Smith

​Best Veteran

GCHB Starquest's Denali The Great One CGCA

Scott & Linda Deits and Martha Lageschulte

​Best Junior

Keira Cummings CH Wintersong’s I Herd Ewe RN


Puppy Sweepstakes Classes - Judge: Kathy Jensen-Filicetti

Best In Puppy Sweepstakes

LOL 'N Saratoga's Yama Yuki

Frank & Dee Hoelzle and Rachel Paulson

Best Opposite In Puppy Sweepstakes

GCH Snowstar's Reindeer Games

Anne O'Neill and Marg MacFadden


Veteran Sweepstakes Classes - Judge: Kathy Jensen-Filicetti

Best In Veteran Sweepstakes

GCH LOL Saratoga's Racing The Bullet RN CAA

Pamela R Buhl and

Rachel Paulson

Best Opposite in Veteran Sweepstakes

GCH Double Helix Live From The Piston Cup

Robinette Dunahugh-Ralston DVM and Scott Ralston


Working Sweepstakes Classes - Judge: Kathy Jensen-Filicetti

​Best In Working Sweepstakes

GCH Wintersong's Calla Lilly RN

Lynn Hunkins

Best Opposite in Working Sweepstakes

GCHB Snowater 'N Polar Mist's Mettle To The Medal BN RI CGCA

Thalia Peletis


Obedience - Judge: Patricia Maynard


CH Starquest's What Goes Around UD RE MX MXJ

​Martha Lageschulte and James Lageschulte


Rally - Judge: Patricia Maynard

High Combined Score

CH Double Helix Back In Time CD BN RG NA NAJ

​Katie Heidt and Robinette Dunahugh-Ralston DVM

​High Triple Score

CH Double Helix Back In Time CD BN RG NA NAJ

​Katie Heidt and Robinette Dunahugh-Ralston DVM



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